About Me

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The Aliway is a strange creature feeding predominantly on Coca Cola, Skittles and 2-minute noodles. The Aliway tends to obsess majorly over various mangas, My Chemical Romance, and Beetlejuice. Her habits include sitting at a computer in most of her free time, sleeping, struggling through school, drawing, practising piano and listening to music. To tame The Aliway, simply give bottle of Coke or express love for either My Chemical Romance or anime/manga. Common vocalizations - "Lol", "I LOST THE GAME", "zomygod GEE", and also "Yo.. I see your Coke.. caring is sharing...!"

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A note on last post.

Yeah, I was a little harsh on this Eliza Cuts woman...
But hear me out. About two seconds after I posted the last post, I was directed to THIS link here.

Ok, I didn't know the woman had a brain. Considering that the story was the first thing I'd heard out of her, well, mouth (I guess..), you can imagine I didn't think she had much going for her, intellectually speaking. And you all know I'm pretty harsh on dumbasses.

Well, the link (which shows a sort of interview with Eliza about her relationship with ol' Gee) showed me that, well, she's a little smarter than your average vegetable. Certainly a little naive (did she EXPECT to get love and warmth and kisses for posting some thinly-veiled account of her relationship with another person? A great long detailed one at that? Posting personal shit on the interwebs like that gets one NOWHERE), but otherwise not as spastic and crazy as she appeared to be in her story.

Well, that's fine. It's all well and good if you wanna write some thinly veiled account of your relationship with another person. You gotta get shit out, GET it out. Write it down; I applaud her for that much.

My problem? The fact that she posted the thing all over the internet. Now, even I'm not that goddamn much of an idiot. Harsh of me, but it's true.

One; don't expect people to like it or respond warmly if it's written with the skill of a ten-year-old. Secondly; personal shit like that, you don't want total strangers reading that on the internet - do you really want people you don't even KNOW looking at the in-depth details of your relationship with someone else, which is supposed to be between you and that person anyway? Thirdly; don't expect people to write long loving understanding comments of your crisis, pat you on the back and give you a cookie.
Though cookies are nice.
Don't POST it where everyone can read it. Honestly, it does no good - just earns a bunch of trolls. And personal shit like that.. it's like posting your secret diary online. It's just stupid, really.

Amazingly, she was shocked at how horrible people were to her about it when she posted it. Number one - TROLLS. Enough said. Number two - people who hear funny rumours about someone cheating on a certain other (*cough*muchbelovedbyfans*cough*) someone tend to get.. er... violent.
And besides, people don't tend to react so warmly to such personal stuff. Maybe they JUST DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW, you know? Get a grip on your levels of privacy, woman, the world does NOT need to know, well, everything. They think they do, but seriously, they don't.

Ok. I think that's my two cents there. Troll me if you like, but at least I give reason for my rhyme =/

The Aliway.

Adieu, my dear poor departed brain cells. I'll miss you greatly.

Man, if I knew earlier that Eliza Cuts wrote some crazy-ass story about her relationship with Gerard Way, I'd have read it a lot earlier rather than destroy my brain now, RIGHT before exams...
This is some CRAZY shit. I'm literally shocked at how badly this was written. If I didn't know she'd written it, I'd have thought maybe a twelve-year-old would have written it - not a full-grown woman!
Hell, even I can write better than this, and I'm what, sixteen?
Can't believe I ONLY just found this. xD

(ahem, linky-link here? =] teehee.)

It's crazy. And strange. And gave me a good laugh - Black Pyjama Party? Oh gee, very nice. I could never have believed that the story was about YOU, of COURSE, not with the main character's name being Emma... and no, not with her dear object of desire being in a band called Black Pyjama Party. Black PYJAMA PARTY?! Man...

Woman, you are crazy and obsessed and seriously need a psychiatrist. This isn't healthy.

Now, onto the slight matter of the few remaining brain cells left in my head... my head hurts... @_@

The Aliway.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Would you believe how long it's been?! Man, apparently my last blog post was in July. I'M BEHIND, MAAAAN.

Anyway. Holidays were cool, went to Liverpool as promised AND got a ton of Beatles stuff. Mainly badges, stuff like that. We also went to the Cavern for a drink, we got to see a live band playing. Best fifteen minutes of my life, it was amazing.

Also got a little thing called a WONDERBRA. o_0 Would you believe how epic THOSE things are?! Rather alarming how epic they are, actually. Whenever I wear it, every time I look down I'm like OMAIGODBEWBS. WAIT. THOSE ARE MINE. O_O'''''
Slightly offputting. But it IS amazingly comfortable. And strangely good at transforming those silly things on my chest into something that's... certainly not so bad looking. Quote my sister - "...whoah. It makes you look like you actually have boobs.. that's kind of trippy."
Yeah. Gotta love sisters. -.-
Better than ol' manwhore, though. My new nickname for past flame, by the way (it actually really offends him - he nearly blocked me until I worked out he was offended by it - so don't tell him I still call him that =P). I was trying to talk to him on facebook, but be was too busy being a manwhore and looking at cars and boobs. I said "Boo!". So he says "No. Only if you have boobs." "Dude, I am a female you know." "..OHMYGODWHENDIDTHATHAPPEN?!"
Ahhh.. males...

On other news, I have been rather busy - hence lack of posts. Schoolwork tends to drain the soul, you know. Speaking of soul-draining I finally finished Dracula - EPIC BOOK. TRES EPIC. READ IT. REAAAAD IIIIIIT. Plus, if you're into Freudian stuff, then from your viewpoint this book has more sex than your average blood-drenched orgy. >:]
Seriously. Freudian critics go NUTS over this book. It's crazy. You know, Sigmund Freud, the weird psychoanalyst dude who basically thinks that EVERYTHING is a metaphor for sex. He probably would have considered Dracula to be, like, hardcore sadist porn. BLOOD, ORGY, FORCED ORAL AND RAPE, BEAUTIFUL RAPE... where was I..?

Anyway. Oh, and I was also sick before. Felt like utter shit this morning, but ahh, the joys of sleeping all day. I officially feel, mental-like, a new human being. Sure, my body's still an utterly useless fail of failness in the way of health, but hey. =]

So, I better shut up, and let you all be. Don'tcha love updates?!

The Aliway.