Well, yesterday was the school swimming carnival, and of course my acne medication has one setback - it makes me virtually vampire. I used to have the BEST skin for tanning, because I'd tan for about an hour, burn, then the burn would deepen into MORE tan.
These days, I burn so fast that if I want any kind of tan I can only sit outside for ten to fifteen minutes, and even THEN it's sometimes too much for my skin. I'm now just burning before I can tan, and though I fortunately can still tan, it still sucks that these days, it usually comes from a burn.
So naturally, I was outside all day, and as if it could get any better, the UV was REALLY high yesterday, like even though it was cloudy most of the day, I still got really badly burned.
You haven't heard the BEST part yet.
See, I have this long fringe covering part of my face. Not quite qualifying for an emo fringe, as it doesn't fall diagonally across an entire half of my face. But it's still quite a fringe, granted.
Well, I figured out yesterday that this fringe, if I keep it, will quite literally reduce my chance of skin cancer on my face BY HALF.
Well, one side of my face looks like I've been cooked.. and the other half is quite normal! This is going to be one HILARIOUS tan when the sunburn fades, I can tell you now - there is literally a variation in shade from one side of my forehead to the other, as it fades from red to normal.
I went out with some friends today, and we planned to meet up in town. Well, you can guess what I said to them over the phone - "Don't worry about finding me; just keep an eye out for the emo tomato."
Yep. I have two descriptions today - half-cooked (LITERALLY half-cooked) lobster, or emo tomato.
Oh man, I can't WAIT until my sunburn fades to see how this tans out.
The Aliway.