About Me

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The Aliway is a strange creature feeding predominantly on Coca Cola, Skittles and 2-minute noodles. The Aliway tends to obsess majorly over various mangas, My Chemical Romance, and Beetlejuice. Her habits include sitting at a computer in most of her free time, sleeping, struggling through school, drawing, practising piano and listening to music. To tame The Aliway, simply give bottle of Coke or express love for either My Chemical Romance or anime/manga. Common vocalizations - "Lol", "I LOST THE GAME", "zomygod GEE", and also "Yo.. I see your Coke.. caring is sharing...!"

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Keep an eye out for an emo tomato.

Well, yesterday was the school swimming carnival, and of course my acne medication has one setback - it makes me virtually vampire. I used to have the BEST skin for tanning, because I'd tan for about an hour, burn, then the burn would deepen into MORE tan.
These days, I burn so fast that if I want any kind of tan I can only sit outside for ten to fifteen minutes, and even THEN it's sometimes too much for my skin. I'm now just burning before I can tan, and though I fortunately can still tan, it still sucks that these days, it usually comes from a burn.

So naturally, I was outside all day, and as if it could get any better, the UV was REALLY high yesterday, like even though it was cloudy most of the day, I still got really badly burned.

You haven't heard the BEST part yet.

See, I have this long fringe covering part of my face. Not quite qualifying for an emo fringe, as it doesn't fall diagonally across an entire half of my face. But it's still quite a fringe, granted.
Well, I figured out yesterday that this fringe, if I keep it, will quite literally reduce my chance of skin cancer on my face BY HALF.
Well, one side of my face looks like I've been cooked.. and the other half is quite normal! This is going to be one HILARIOUS tan when the sunburn fades, I can tell you now - there is literally a variation in shade from one side of my forehead to the other, as it fades from red to normal.

I went out with some friends today, and we planned to meet up in town. Well, you can guess what I said to them over the phone - "Don't worry about finding me; just keep an eye out for the emo tomato."
Yep. I have two descriptions today - half-cooked (LITERALLY half-cooked) lobster, or emo tomato.

Oh man, I can't WAIT until my sunburn fades to see how this tans out.

The Aliway.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Not just CURSED either. Cursed with TWO syllables; like cur-SED. Seriously cur-sed.

Seems like all of the very shittiest things that could ever have happened to me in my life have occurred on a Thursday. Including today. A friend's father died just today, very suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. Watching my entire year group bawling their eyes out, including my twin sister, didn't exactly lift the mood.

And weirdly, it seems that when my twin laughs; I laugh. And when she cries, I can't help myself and find myself in tears as well.
No, it's not some creepy twin thing we have like mind-reading or shit like that. No way. We just.. well, I dunno, you imagine growing in the womb with another person being created right beside you, squished into one stomach. Growing up together, virtually never being apart. I can honestly say that the first time I was properly separated from my sister (like longer than 24 hours) was when I was, like, ten. You can't help but form a connection, right? Yeah, I'm attached to my sister. Can't help that.

And this girl who's dad died was pretty much her best friend, so my sister was incredibly shaken up. She's been crying more than anybody else in the whole year group.

Hence; Thursdays are friggin' cur-SED.
Maybe every Thursday I should hide under the bed with five Cokes and avoid the day so nothing bad can happen.
But even when you try to hide, things will always find you in the end..

The Aliway.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I have made an executive decision.

Stalker-freaks annoy the living fucking CRAP out of me.
More to the point, they scare me to DEATH. The girl who stalks me during school pretty much felt me up today (under the guise of giving me a BACK MASSAGE -.-) and it was NOT fun OR relaxing by ANY stretch of the freakin' imagination!!!!

Anyway. Enough of stalkers; the mere thought is stressing me out O_O''''

I also decided that Chris Crocker AND Shanaynay are the best things on Youtube. You may kill me for it; and I have no shame in admitting it.
But holy hell. Are they the freakin' SHIZZ!!! 8D

Oh, and for the record; Picture is of Yuki Sohma from Fruits Basket, and his hairstyle is the haircut I'm planning to get when my mum next decides my hair's due for a trim 8D
BUTI'MSTILLGONNAKEEPMAHFRINGE. Yep. The long sweeping thing across my face which I've been growing for three years now. THE fringe. I could never let go of my fringe O_O

Oh; well it seems that I've gone over my limit of randomness for today. I mean, today WAS pretty random to begin with ^^ I'll spare you the agony now.

--Message terminated at the beep--

The Aliway.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I'm in class right now and gawdDAMN, I'm bored o_O
Hey, at least my hair's straight. xDD
But yeah. Bell's gone now.
Lawl. How sad am I? ^^

THe Aliway.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Ooh, check it. This is the true and terrible extent of my addiction. That is all the coke I have drunk in the past week. As in, since Sunday... o_O
I swear, one day my kidneys are just gonna go "Suck it, bitch!!" and give out on me, what with all the chemicals and sugar and shit they have to deal with, not to mention the dehydration that comes AFTER drinking five cans of coke. Meh. Means I get a new kidney to torture 8D
And anybody ever notice how similar 'coke can' sounds to 'cocaine'..? Say it out loud, I dare you.

Oh, and my freakin' stalker started up with the creepiness again. Fuck it. What is it with this kid?! Like, I can't go two metres without turning around to die of a heart attack 'cause she's practically freakin' breathing down my neck behind me... that's just not fuckin' RIGHT!! o.0 Creeps the hell out of me, seriously, does this kid not understand the concept of PERSONAL SPACE? I have a BUBBLE. It's MY bubble. And she's INVADING IT. YEAAARGH. STAY THE FUCK OUTTA MY FUCKIN' BUBBLE. MYYY BUBBLE MY BUBBLE MY BUBBLE.......... My bubble. *Finding Nemo moment o.0*

Oh. And for the record. EMO'S ARE FRIENDS - NOT FOOD.

The Aliway.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


.....for being the very first commenter on my blog. I officially love you, even though I don't know you. And godspeed your turtle; turtles are absolutely adorable. ^^

Oh. And I loved your 'cool' rating =D

That and just now, I watched the funniest Youtube vid..

That guy's laugh at the end has me in hysterics EVERY TIME. EVERY TIME. I must find this guy and constantly make him laugh in order for my life to ever be near complete o_O
Oh. It's a Twilight In Five Seconds vid, btw. I love those kinds of things, being rather anti-Twilight myself, but seriously.. it doesn't get better than Harry Potter In 10 Seconds. Seriously.

Y'know what else, I wrote an entire four and a half page essay this afternoon...yep. Welcome to Australian Private Education... no wonder we get the highest HSC results in the freakin' state, goddamn!! Aaaand thanks to Chris Lilley and Summer Heights High, all public/catholic school kids think we're stuck-up bitches, but meh. It'd be hard to classify a random, obsessive, strange organism like myself as a typical private-school stereotype, so people can just quit hatin'.

btw - picture - tis the adorable face of Shigure Sohma, my absolute FAVOURITE character off Fruits Basket. That dude is too adorable x3 somebody stop me before I adopt him!!!
Also the whole pencil mustache thing sorta describes my random mood. I mean seriously. You finish a four-page essay and tell me you DON'T feel random to SOME degree.

So thus, I must now get off the laptop and stare at my luvverly black sparkly feather boa O_O

The Aliway.


When your bus pulls back into school at five past midnight, I think you know how THAT feels in the morning.

Well, it's Sunday, very boring, I have school tomorrow and I'm bored out of my mind.. which means I have zilch to talk about. D= THE HORROR.
Oh yeah. And I got this epic black feather boa with silver tinsel-ly bits on it, it's hanging above my pinboard right now.
Not to mention I need to actually DO something today.. I'm being such a lazy ass!! Worst feeling on earth @_@

So I'm still reading Black Butler, got my best friend into it (she thinks that Sebastian is sexy-assed too lawl) and it's coming along great so far. Ciel's so cute. It's funny how he's such an adult character, all logical and responsible and commanding, yet he still has all these little-kid moments which are so damn adorable x3 I live for his little-kid moments.

Well, I don't like to recycle topics, so I'll change now. Guess what. For my Art project, we need to take inspiration from a particular artist.. now, guess who my artist is gonna be... okay okay if you STILL can't think who it is, then YES - I'm doing Gabriel Ba! =D
I did want to do James Jean, but my friend already thought of using him before me. And besides, I think he'll relate better to her particular project than to mine. So I'm doing Gabriel Ba. God, he's an epic artist ^^

Oh yeah, and you know what? I have a soft toy. Her name is Lady (she's a beanie toy of Lady from Lady & The Tramp). And she scared the absolute living shit out of me on Friday during the excursion. Why? Because I thought I'd lost her ;_;
We stayed Thursday night in a Youth hostel, and it wasn't until we got to the bus to leave that I realised... I had NO recollection of packing Lady in my bag, and when I went through my bag quickly (I couldn't be thorough 'cause there were boys at the excursion AND we were on a public sidewalk next to the bus, like I'd want all of Sydney to be checking out my bag's contents!!) and DIDN'T find her.
It's so pathetic.. I was nearly in tears, and my Art teacher ran back to the hostel with me to try find her. We didn't, and gave the hostel my number in case they did find her, and the whole day I was so worried, trying to contemplate life without my dear little buddy by my side.
Just so you know, I AM a fifteen year old girl, going on sixteen, of sound mind. Well, more or less. I just happen to have an extreme attachment to my soft toys.. especially this one, I'd had her since I was three, around the time Lady & The Tramp first came out. Yes, I was around back then.
But gods above, we got to the second hostel that night, and in the room I could check through my bag properly, and lo and behold - she was RIGHT at the bottom, the sneaky little rascal!!! I nearly burst into tears again, this time out of relief.

So yeah. I have a soft toy which I've had since I was three. I can barely sleep without her. I love her to death.. I will admit it. It's out in the open now; deal with it. ^^

The Aliway.


Well, it certainly was a journey of epic proportions.

Also a journey through which many ordeals were to be suffered. For example, 10 hours of nonstop shitty movies on the bus. No escape.. slowly... suffocating.. walls... CLOSING IN....

I do hate bus trips. And dumbass movies with the kind of crass 'humour' which doesn't even have any wit or actual funny-ness behind it. Like Year One (that movie with Jack Black in it). Look, I love Jack Black. But that movie was just crap.

Anyway.. the art was great. I hated having to ANALYSE it and everything, I hate analysing art and shit like that. I would much rather have just wandered around looking at the art and fully being able to appreciate it without bloody teachers hawking over my shoulder at me to WRITE SOMETHING DOWN...
But yeah. Van Gogh, Cezanne, Monet, ahh it was great. I'm more of a Traditionalist fan myself than Impressionist, but I love Monet. His art is just awesome.

Okay, enough about the art rant.. I really am turning into an art nerd!!! O_O

Oh. And for the record. TOO - MUCH - SUSHI. Actually.. you can NEVER have too much sushi!!!!!!!! 8D ahhhh I love Sydney!!! Sushi all round!!!
And one day, ONE day, I'm gonna try onigiri. That stuff looks awesome. Gotta love Japanese food.

The Aliway.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

And onward I ride; on a new and epic journey of faith, wisdom, courage.. yadda yadda yadda...

In other words, my art excursion. Wish me luck people; for I am off on a journey of EPIC PROPOOOORTIOOOOONS.
Well, at least I hope it is.. at this stage, the most I hope for is a well-ventilated bus =P
So yes. I planned out tomorrow morning very carefully, in order to be out of bed and at the bus stop on time as soon as possible. With the help of motivational sticky notes, a cold Coke in the boarding house fridge for breakfast, leftover chocolate, and of course some Skittles if I REALLY need them.. and I'm packing right now to make sure I'm off on time without having to make too much mental processing so early in the morning.

No; I am NOT a morning person. Tomorrow morning, people will behold a strange creature shuffling oddly towards them.. in the dim misty light of morn, some will fear that Judgement Day is upon us and Zombie Apocalypse has just begun...
Then on closer inspection it'll purport to be just me. =/ Little ol' Aliway, just woken up in the morning. ^^

And thus. I doth make preparations for this journey of EPIC PROPOORTIOOOONS. O_O

The Aliway.

What up, yo.

I say 'yo' way too much.

Picture - Spew The Rainbow. Lawl. This is what happens when you eat too many Skittles O_O

Also.. ugh. I have to wake up at quarter to six tomorrow morning for an Art excursion.. @_@ kill me now. I'mma have to take a shitload of multivitamins or something to get through tomorrow.. xD
Probably not too safe for me to be thinking about taking multivitamins actually.. O_O;;
Anyways. Should be fun. I don't mind art galleries, and hey, it's two days off school ^^ the only sucky thing is that NOW I have to stay at school over the weekend, rather than go home, cause I come back on Saturday.. >_<>

Also, I have Double English this morning, piano lesson at lunch, AND touch football this afternoon. Again - KILL ME NOW.

I should just shut up round about now. I rant way too much! Though, it must be supposed, I DID create this blog for a reason... xD

Well, I'd best be off.

Wish me luck for tomorrow... O_O

The Aliway.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well, yo.

Episode 5775 of my life.. that is, if I did my calculations right and I've actually lived for 5775 days.


I discovered a manga called Black Butler recently.. and holy hell that butler is gorgeous!!! TTvTT he redefines the idea of a butler. Now I want a butler!! No. Technically, I want a Sebastian >:D that is one sexy butler-demon... ~<3
Still, I must say.. this manga has incredible potential for a type of illegal yaoi.. I mean seriously. That page where Sebastian's trying to get Ciel into a corset.. I read it on Google while looking up pics BEFORE I actually knew what was going on and I literally freaked. Not that I don't like yaoi, but SERIOUSLY.. a twelve-year-old boy + sexy demon butler is somewhat.. wrong? Not that Sebastian isn't sexy, and Ciel is pretty cute for a twelve-year-old. But.. lay off the pedophilia, seriously. xDD

Anyway. Enough about sexy demon butlers.. our school recently introduced vending machines O_O TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT....... finally.

So yeah. I'm quite pleased by the fact that I have constant access to a good supply of Coke nearby.. yeah I have to pay for it but still. Better than walking all the way to the bakery down the road for Coke =/

So, better wrap it up.. =P sleep well my lovelies. <3

The Aliway.

Ooh, check it, first blog... O_O

Well, hey there. I figured out this amazingly fun thing called blogging.. oddly addictive.. it's like my own personal online public diary which no-one shall read!!! Fine by me.
Means I can be as random as I like. ^^
Also means that when I have a bad day, I can rant as much as I like. Excellence. We all need a place to vent, do we not?
So yeah. Watch this space for more randomness, possibly an occasional outbreak of rantsome venting and general purging of angry feelings. o.0

The Aliway.